Sunday, May 6, 2012

Margarita Cake Pops

Hello again! I know it's been about a month here on my cake pop blog. I'll be honest -- I kinda hit a slump as far as new ideas are concerned.  I think that's what all great artists do... take a break every now and then and come back with a whole bunch of ideas.

For Cinco de Mayo, I wanted to put a twist on my previously successful batch of Lime Cake Pops. 

I basically copied the same recipe as before, but used 1/4 cup of Lime juice, 1/4 cup of Tequila and 1/2 cup of water when it came to making the batter.

I then moulded the cake balls into Lemons and Limes, dunking them in Yellow and Green candy coating.  Sprinkled on top is a 1:4 mixture of Kosher salt and Sugar, to give a little salty kick (as this is how you should take a Tequila shot.

I think the results came out great! Happy Cinco De Mayo!

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