Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cherry Cordial Cake Pops

Oh hello again!  I took a short break from cake pops.  I made Funfetti Spring cupcakes last week for a girl at work who was leaving.  She told me she likes my cake pops but LOVES Funfetti cupcakes.  So for her last day, I made those instead.  Didn't take any pics since they were simple cupcakes, but they turned out awesome!

With just one week til Easter, I wanted to get one last recipe in before I do Easter cake pops.  I got the idea from Cherry Cordial Cake pops after the success of the Lime Cake Pops, I wanted to try something similar with Cherry JELL-O.

I used regular white cake mix mixed with 1 small box of Black Cherry JELL-O.  The cherry cake balls were coated with Dark Chocolate candy coating.  The results were mixed... The cake didn't blow me away with the taste of cherry like the Lime cake pops did with lime flavor. 

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