Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops

I've been wanting do these for a while now. I do have an internal list in my mind of recipes I want to do and with recent business in my life I just never had the time to do them... until now! I love Chocolate Peanut Butter anything: ice cream, candy, brownies, cookies, desserts, water ice, anything. And I new making these would be very easy!  Chocoalte + Peanut Butter = Deliciousness.

This was my first time working with Make N Mold Peanut Butter Melts. 

They were very easy to work with (very thin consistency) and tasted like real peanut butter!  If you are going to try this recipe I definitely recommend buying yourself two bags.  I only bought one bag and just got by with one bag for coating all the cake balls.  I just spelled recommend incorrectly - I always want to add 2 c's.  Always.

I used chocolate cake mix with chocolate frosting.  Peanut butter candy melts and a Reese's Pieces candy on top.

Then a drizzle of dark chocolate around the sides.  The only reason I added the drizzle was to try to hide the fact that they do look like Boobs.

The results were very good.  The only thing I might try in the future is trying Chocolate cake mix crumbled with actual Peanut Butter instead of chocolate frosting.  The peanut butter candy coating does add Peanut butter flavor, but I just wish there were more.

So that's that!  I've been getting a lot of requests for Mint Chocolate Chip cake pops at work so I think I just might have to do those next.  Reluctantly... ... I hate mint.

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