Saturday, July 28, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops

I've been wanting do these for a while now. I do have an internal list in my mind of recipes I want to do and with recent business in my life I just never had the time to do them... until now! I love Chocolate Peanut Butter anything: ice cream, candy, brownies, cookies, desserts, water ice, anything. And I new making these would be very easy!  Chocoalte + Peanut Butter = Deliciousness.

This was my first time working with Make N Mold Peanut Butter Melts. 

They were very easy to work with (very thin consistency) and tasted like real peanut butter!  If you are going to try this recipe I definitely recommend buying yourself two bags.  I only bought one bag and just got by with one bag for coating all the cake balls.  I just spelled recommend incorrectly - I always want to add 2 c's.  Always.

I used chocolate cake mix with chocolate frosting.  Peanut butter candy melts and a Reese's Pieces candy on top.

Then a drizzle of dark chocolate around the sides.  The only reason I added the drizzle was to try to hide the fact that they do look like Boobs.

The results were very good.  The only thing I might try in the future is trying Chocolate cake mix crumbled with actual Peanut Butter instead of chocolate frosting.  The peanut butter candy coating does add Peanut butter flavor, but I just wish there were more.

So that's that!  I've been getting a lot of requests for Mint Chocolate Chip cake pops at work so I think I just might have to do those next.  Reluctantly... ... I hate mint.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Flag Cake Pops

Memorial Day/Independence Day/Labor Day brings back memories of my Mom making Flag Cake. To put a twist on a classic, how could I pass up the opportunity to create Flag Cake Pops?  The actual cake pops are made with classic Birthday cake on the inside. They were fun to make and they look stunning!  Happy 4th of July, everyone!