Saturday, December 31, 2011

Rocky Road Pops

I made these, along with some Birthday cake pops, for a New Year's Eve party and everyone loved them.  I made these using Chocolate cake crumbled with chocolate frosting.  The cake balls were coated with dark chocolate candy coating, almonds and marshmallows. Marshmallows are also in the cake as well, however, in the future I won't do this again as it causes problems when adding the lollipop stick. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Birthday Cake Pops: My First Time :)

I made my first cake pops on December 30th, 2011. I wasn't scared, I was excited.

I started simple and basically copied the Birthday cake pops Starbucks sells. Bakerella's cookbook will tell you to crumb your cake and use about 1/3 of a can of frosting.  I did this, and the cake balls came out WAY too moist.  But I found a way to make it work.

The quality is horrible, but here is a pic of my first ever cake pops!